Technical, engineering and monitoring services for the extraction and remediation of oil pollution from Tehran refinery aquifer – Phase 1

Technical, engineering and monitoring services for the extraction and remediation of oil pollution from Tehran refinery aquifer – Phase 1

The main purpose of this project is to determine and differentiate the source of groundwater oil pollution of Tehran refinery aquifer. The widespread pollution in this site is due to leakage from storage tanks and pipelines of crude oil and petroleum products in the area. The methodology of this research summarizes in three steps: 1- Preparing the conceptual site model, 2-Sampling of potential sources of pollutants and the contaminated groundwater, and 3-Analysis of samples and documentation the results. The conceptual site model has been developed using the exploratory excavations, and determining the hydrogeological parameters include aquifer stratigraphy, and the depth, level and direction of groundwater, land use and water use, determining the behavior of recovery wells, and the petroleum products thickness and volume.
Based on the available information and field observations in the study area, there are 5 important sources of oil pollution above and below ground that cause the aquifer pollution, which are:
Oil reservoirs of Iranol and Pasargad companies, reservoirs and oil transmission lines existing at the Rey Industrial facilities, refinery oil tanks and transmission lines, and tanks of the Pipe and Telecommunication Company and polluting sources due to the infiltration of oil pollution from the surface of the pound. Based on the conceptual site model, the sampling potential polluting sources such as transmission lines, oil reservoirs and water wells in the study area and its surroundings has been performed. The samples have been sent to various laboratories, and analysis by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS), nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR), gas chromatography (GC-PONA), viscosity, density, distillation and color were performed. The source of groundwater oil pollution was determined and separated with appropriate accuracy using these analyses.


-Preparation of an operational plan for the extraction of petroleum products and aquifer remediation, which should be done with the focus on the Applied Basic Sciences Research Institute (the second contract has been signed in this regard).

-Signing a memorandum of understanding with the universities of Kalsrouhe, Germany, and Rome, Italy, to develop the methods for oil remediation of groundwater of Tehran refinery
