Integration of oil and gas field assets modeling
Often, field production profile deviates from the results of simulations. Several reasons such as broken down and disconnected decision making during the fields’ life time can be counted as the reasons for the difference between field real profile and model results. Also, traditional multi-disciplinary field study that is usually performed sequentially have considerable impact for this deviatory behavior. This means that, for instance, reservoir engineers only model the behavior of the reservoir up to the wellbore, production engineers pay attention only to the behavior of fluid from wellbore up to well-head and process engineers simulate only the surface facilities from well head to separator. In other words, each group (i.e. reservoir, production, and process engineers) provides the required data for next parties with mostly assuming constant pressure at the boundaries during simulation period. This discontinuity affects the oil and gas field project values.
On the other hand, technical (surface and subsurface), political, and environmental uncertainties have considerable impacts on project’s economy. Integrated Asset Modelling (IAM) is a technique made for better understanding and description of the interactions between subsurface and surface. Indeed, the main merit of IAM is the combination of reservoir, production, and surface engineering models and economical evaluations into an asset management tool that allows modeling of the entire oil filed. Through integrated asset modeling, the operating parameters can be accurately specified with consideration of sub/surface capabilities.
The experts in oil and gas field development group have gained considerable background, knowledge, and international experiences with respect to the application of integrated asset modeling.