Environmental impact zoning of geogenic pollution in the Takab area
Plotting zoning of potentially toxic element pollution maps as major food resouerces in Takab area is purpose of this study for helping to make the best decision in preventing the environment and accessing to sustainable development.With respect to adjective, samplesof surface and groundwater, agricultural soil, sediment and wheat grain and alfalfa stems was collected were analyzed by ICP-MS. The overall results indicated that water, soil and sediment polluted to arsenic in some areas. Evaluation of the origin and zoning maps of toxic elements, particularly arsenic in water, soil, river sediment and plant showed that the pollution potentially toxic elements have antropogenic and geogenic resources. Most of the geogenic origins have been located in the north east and east of the area on the alteration zones and also due to Quaternary volcanic rocks as source of the hot springs in the study area. Mining activities are the most important cause of pollution in the downstream of the mines in the north of area or in the other hand anthropogenic origin is a major cause of pollution. Transfering and re-deposition of arsenic in the study area is controlled by the solution- deposition and absorb- disposal reactions and transporting and re-deposition of arsenic is done by oxy-hydroxides of these elements. In general, the whole parts of study area except northern and northwest have a few pollution that there is no problem with the right planning.
Determination the heavy metals concentration in the water sources
Preparation of zoning maps of arsenic and antimony in the study area